is the global brand that brings together all of CBKK’s businesses (Celo de Bonstato Kaj Konservado – “purpose of well-being and conservation”) and gives credibility to its way of acting, through traceability via blockchain technology.
Purchasing an EKOSFERA product means being sure that this product was made with love, care and responsibility, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and strengthening traditional communities. Acquiring an EKOSFERA service means living a differentiated experience based on a human approach and connected with nature.
EKOSFERA is synonymous with socio-environmental disruption and positive impact. We have the ambition to transform the way we produce and consume in the 21st century, inviting all people to get involved with climate action, fair transition and the stories that cross the journey of our products and services.

We believe in the power of this connection between those who produce and those who consume, and in its capacity to inspire real change towards a more prosperous and sustainable world.

EKOSFERA does not want to do “less harm”, but “more good”. We exist to improve the well-being of all the people we impact with our actions, directly and indirectly, creating positive value individually and collectively and, at the same time, protecting and regenerating the planet, our common home.

we are proud
the way Ekosfera
to be:

Because it's only good for people
if it is good for Nature

CBKK (Celo de Bonstato Kaj Konservado – “purpose of well-being and conservation”) is a venture builder born out of the ambition to transform production and consumption systems in Brazil and the sense of urgency imposed by the climate emergency. The company develops services and solutions for disruptive businesses that implement sustainable practices, with a positive socio-environmental impact. EKOSFERA was created by CBKK to be the global brand that unites all these businesses.
The BKK Institute (Bonfarto Kaj Konservado – “well-being and conservation”) was conceived by the CBKK as a center for the creation, organization and production of knowledge, which brings together professionals recognized for their experience in the scientific and business areas. At BKK, many of the ideas emerge and grow that will become unique and transformative products with the EKOSFERA brand, designed to delight consumers and help the planet in the transition to a greener, fairer and more resilient economy.